What to expect when organizing
Post-Covid weddings

If this 2020 had been highly awaited for a long time by couples who wanted to crown their wedding dream on a double-digit date, today instead what we hear most often is “Let’s hope this year ends quickly!”
How to blame them!?
Yes, because no one could expect anything like this and the initial inconvenience was devastating:
“Postpone or wait and keep fingers crossed?” – “What to do with the contracts already signed and the deposits paid?”.
The doubts and fears were innumerable, it was not possible to follow a “protocol” fair for all, nobody gave a precise guideline in our field, so as good professionals, each of us had to act with common sense and… hope that everything went well!
Summer has finally arrived and, as expected, the nightmare of Covid infections seems to be decreasing, although not completely disappearing, unfortunately.
Some “fearless” couples took a risk by deciding to get married this year anyway – choosing the last months of the year, like October and November – despite some small limitations that must still be followed in order to avoid a group relapse. But nothing so absurd and discouraging for those who are convinced they do not want to wait even a second longer!
Others – many – have opted for the safer and faster choice: postpone to next year.
There are many risks in both cases:
In the first, the fear that a relapse of infections was just around the corner, so as to have to cancel everything (again!) and at the last minute.
In the second, that venues and all the other suppliers no longer had dates available for the “postponed” couples.
And here is the dilemma: favoring the “unfortunate” couples who had to cancel everything and postpone it, making them available as many dates as possible, or giving priority to those couples who had already chosen 2021, so as not to unjustly penalize them?
Here too it was not easy to juggle the various requests, perhaps maintaining the same agreements as a previous contract, thus risking losing new potential customers (maybe even better ones?).
Anyway, that’s not the point!
What should we expect from the next wedding season and what should couples who are still organizing the reception do?
There will certainly be a large “flow” of weddings, as the number of couples getting married in 2021 will be almost double than normal.
Two years of weddings incorporated into one!
Yes, time is on our side, even more than a year is missing for many, but let’s not fool ourselves on this.
Since the weddings in 2021 will be almost double, for those who have chosen 2021 for their wedding, it will be good to move as if there were only half the time.
For this reason, never as in this case, the assistance of a Wedding Planner is precious, almost indispensable.
Just because there is a risk not only of a race against time, but also of a “late arrival, bad lodging”, and no one wants to settle for the last choices for such an important day, don’t you?
Here are some tips:
- As always, start with the suppliers you are most interested in or have special requests for. Contact them and, if you are really interested, pay the deposit immediately to confirm the date.
- Don’t delay too much on price bargaining. With so many demands, not all suppliers will be willing to waste time with unreasonable discounts’ request. Make it clear immediately what your maximum spending ceiling is. If the supplier is interested, he will do his best to accommodate you!
- Don’t waste time with those suppliers who don’t respond promptly to your requests. We know there is a lot of work and requests come in bursts, but there is always a reasonable time limit within which to respond to a request.
- Don’t stop at the electronic contact (e-mail and telephone calls). Ask for an appointment on site – where possible – to get to know the supplier and his working reality. This will make him understand even more your interest, compared to those who, on the other hand, limit themselves to asking the price by e-mail and play the “who offers less”!
- Make a careful and limited selection of suppliers to ask for a quote and an appointment.
In this case, a Wedding Planner will help you to save a lot of time, providing you with a list of the best suppliers based on your requests and your budget, combining appointments for you and, of course, requesting special treatment, just by virtue of her collaboration with the suppliers themselves.
The Wedding Planner, in fact, acts as a guarantee for suppliers, who will be more willing to keep an option on your date.
Lastly, don’t underestimate the importance of a Wedding Coordinator for the Wedding Day.
Even if you have organized everything by yourself, the wedding day must not only be perfect, but you spouses must fully enjoy all the efforts made during this year of intense organization!
And just because 2021 promises to be super full of events, the supervision of a professional with regard to deliveries, the arrival of suppliers and on-site preparations is absolutely essential. Everyone will notice the difference!
Let’s roll up our sleeves then. There is no time to lose!
Veronica Ferrante
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